I'm using x-forms so I can't use a cfcalendar on this. 

I'm using a regular text input for the user to enter the date. The problem is, 
I'm entering junk data and a lot of it's slipping thru. 

Here's the form:

<cfinput type="text" name="eventdate" label="Date of this event (ex. 
8/20/2006)" message="Please provide a valid date" validateat="onserver, 
onsubmit" validate="date" required="yes"  
value="#DateFormat(getconsignevent.eventdate, "m/dd/yyyy")#"> 

Then I'm runnin another check:

<cfif NOT IsValid("date", FORM.eventdate)>
blah blah blah

If I enter 6757665765, SQL server shoots me the rod! 

 [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]The year, 18503760, is outside the range 
allowed by the SQL Server.

How can I make sure this is a valid date? Nothing seems to stop my junk data. 


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