Should this sample code be returning an error?  The reason I ask is it runs
just fine for me both on 6.1 and 7.  To answer the question in the subject
yes URL is a structure and typically the cause of an error like you are
describing is something like <cfoutput>#URL#</cfoutput> since that was
allowed in 4.5 but in 6.1 and up you would need to prefix it with the scope
it is in so something like:

<cfset URL = "blah" />

> Hope the answer isn't already here, but I have looked at all the
> "attempted to dereference a scalar variable" messages and haven't found a
> solution.
> Moved from CF 4.5 to CF MX7.  All of our code is written using the same
> methodology, using <cfif isdefined("url.testvalue")> to use values passed
> in the URL.  This code doesn't work on CF MX7 now.  Quick sample code:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
> "";>
> <html xmlns=""; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <a href="?testvalue=27">testvalue</a><br />
> <cfquery datasource="General_Info" name="ModUsers">
>        Select top 5 * from GeneralPosting
>        where ag_num = '303'
> </cfquery>
> <cfoutput>
>        <cfif isdefined("url.testvalue")>
>                isdefined("url.testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)<br />
>        </cfif>
>        <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue") is false<br />
>        </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> Begin cfoutput loop (cfoutput query="modusers"):<br />
> <cfoutput query="modusers">
>        <cfif isdefined("url.testvalue")>
>                testvalue=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)<br />
>        </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> outside the loop:<br />
> <cfoutput>
>        <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue") is false<br />
>        </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> Begin cfoutput loop (cfoutput query="modusers"):<br />
> <cfoutput query="modusers">
>        <cfif isdefined("url.testvalue")>
>                testvalue=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)<br />
>        </cfif>
>        <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue") is false<br />
>        </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> outside the loop:<br />
> <cfoutput>
>        <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
>        <cfelse>
>                StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue") is false<br />
>        </cfif>
> </cfoutput>
> </body>
> </html>
> Output with ?testvalue=27 :
> testvalue
> isdefined("url.testvalue")=27
> StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=27
> Begin cfoutput loop (cfoutput query="modusers"):
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> outside the loop:
> StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=27
> Begin cfoutput loop (cfoutput query="modusers"):
> isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)
> You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type class
> java.lang.String as a structure with members.
> Error occurred in line 57:
> 55 :            isdefined returned false for (url.testvalue)<br />
> 56 :    </cfif>
> 57 :    <cfif StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")>
> 58 :            StructKeyExists(url,"testvalue")=#url.testvalue#<br />
> 59 :    <cfelse>
> The docs for isdefined say:
> When working with scopes that ColdFusion exposes as structures, the
> StructKeyExists function can sometimes replace this function. The
> following lines are equivalent:
> if(isDefined("form.myVariable"))
> if(structKeyExists(form,"myVariable"))
> so I added the structKeyExists test in addition to the isdefined, and get
> the dreaded "You have attempted to dereference a scalar variable of type
> class java.lang.String as a structure with members." error.
> At the top of the script, URL is obviously a structure, but within the
> <cfoutput query="modusers"> loop something happens to turn it into a
> string.
> What the heck is going on here?  We really need a solution for this, as we
> need to deploy a new server with CF MX7 on it and this appMUST work.
> Bill Woodland, Programmer V
> Texas Building and Procurement Commission
> Phone: 512-936-2901  Fax: 512-236-6166  Email:

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