Dov, thanks for this. Any readings on approach 4?


On 6/29/06, Katz, Dov B (IT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are several approaches to solving this type of problem, imho, and
> each one has costs and benefits, and I've given each of them a "report
> card" (A being best, F being worst):
> 1) Xml into a field (as originally speculated)
> Benefits: flexible design, structured data once retreived
> Costs:  useless for searching, data not typed, (all strings), storage
> bloat due to markup
>   DB Normal Design Grade:  D
>   Performance Grade:       C
>   Dev Ease Grade:          A-
> 2). Create a properties table with 3 fields, ID , key, val and put
> clustered index on ID and Key, and unclustered index on key
> Benefits: still flexible, searchable by field
> Costs:  a bit more db complexity, but with proper indexing costs can be
> minimized.  Still all data are strings
>   DB Normal Design Grade:  B+
>   Performance Grade:       A-
>   Dev Ease Grade:          B
> 3) Similar to 1 but use java.util.Properties for flat key-value pairs
> Benefits: somewhat easy to search "key=value" substrings can be searched
> for,  cheaper than xml if all you want is key val pairs (xml more
> flexible in terms of design of data)
> Costs: most of the same costs as xml
>   DB Normal Design Grade:  D
>   Performance Grade:       B-
>   Dev Ease Grade:          B+
> 4). Improve #2 above with 3-4 properties table, one for date vals, one
> for numeric , one for strings etc
> Benefit: well designed, normalized, type safe (good for aggregate fcns
> like sum, avg etc). Performance shouldn't be impacted with smart
> indexing
> Costs: more complicated, dao objects would need to run a union query
> (easiest) or know which tables have which properties (harder, but
> better, you can let users define their own types which helps you with
> the ui, and then you'd know what keys belong in what tables)
>   DB Normal Design Grade:  A-
>   Performance Grade:       B-
>   Dev Ease Grade:          C+
> 5) Actually let users design tables and columns per object type
> Benefit: Perfectly normalized DB design, no joins needed to assemble
> metadata on an object, you can do all aggregate queries, etc, Type Safe
> Cost:    Will complicate the DB, users choices can impact db performance
> if not careful, Difficult to develop
>   DB Normal Design Grade:  A+
>   Performance Grade:       A
>   Dev Ease Grade:          D
> I've done variations of the above and its definitely one of those
> TMTOWTDI kind of things
> Hth
> Dov
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick de Voil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:50 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: XML storage of metadata in database fields
> > We have an application that allows users to specify (at initial setup
> > time) to specify what kind of metadata they want to enter when they
> > work with digital media within the application. For example, one user
> > may want to upload a bunch of Word doc files and then enter a set of
> > metadata (say Title, Description, Source, Location, etc.). Another
> > user may want to enter a combination of images, docs and movie files
> > and then enter a different set of metadata (say Title, Description,
> > Period, Style, Location, Dates, Sequence, etc.) If we go the
> > traditional database route, this would involve lots of dynamically
> > named fields which I envision as really messy. We think that storing
> > these individual metadata sets as XML data (keyed to ID fields in the
> > db)  would be the way to go. Does anybody have any experience/thoughts
> on this approach?
> I think the key question is, what are you going to use the metadata for?
> If you are going to want to use metadata fields for
> searching/sorting/analysis, I would go with the traditional database
> route. This is what we do in our CMS. A little complicated maybe - you
> need a lot of tables to get a really flexible solution -  but not messy.
> If the metadata of each set of objects is of interest only as a sort of
> guide to that set of objects in isolation once retrieved from the
> repository, and particularly since you mention Sequence, then your idea
> is a bit reminiscent of a "manifest" file that you attach to objects in
> an object packaging scheme like IMS Content Packaging, which is a
> desperately complicated e-learning interoperability standard but you
> might be interested in some of the concepts:
> Nick

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