Roger (or others),

I see you say that the description should be escaped HTML. I see that some
people do that CDATA thing in the xml node. Is that valid? Or is that more
of a hack? I am just curious as some of my "descriptions" will have HTML as
well as already escaped HTML (such as in code-examples / demos) and I don't
want to mess it up trying to escape things. I would like to use the CDATA
stuff, but wanted to run it by you guys to make sure its all good or find
any red flags.

Ben Nadel

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Benningfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 3:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Creating RSS feeds

Ben: A few things to consider...

(1) Make sure your rss:titles are plain-text + XML entities... aggregators
will do unpredictable things with HTML in a title, due to the spec's silence
on the matter.

(2) Aggregators will expect your rss:descriptions to be escaped HTML, so
code accordingly.

(3) Most web-based aggregators and many of their desktop cousins will strip
potentially dangerous HTML from your rss:descriptions and other elements. So
if you want to style your text, you'll need to use Ye Olde <font> and avoid
@style attributes.

(4) Make sure you get the RFC-822 date format correct in your feed... lots
of first-timers fudge things up a bit and end up with unparseable

(5) The rss:guid element encourages you to use an entry's permalink as the
id. If your URIs are really nice from the outset, that may be fine... but if
you're the type who tinkers with his code a lot, I'd advise setting
@isPermaLink to false and sticking a unique, opaque string in there instead.
Otherwise, you're going to fiddle with your blog code one day and
accidentally spam a bunch of aggregators with dozens of duplicate entries.

Roger Benningfield

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