This is from the CF Express documentation.

ColdFusion Tags that are not in ColdFusion Express
The following tags are not in ColdFusion Express; however, both
ColdFusion Server Professional and ColdFusion Server Enterprise support

CFML Tag and Description 
CFAPPLET  Embeds Java applets in a CFFORM.  
CFASSOCIATE  Enables sub-tag data to be saved with the base tag.  
CFAUTHENTICATE  Authenticates a user and sets the security context for an
CFCACHE  Caches ColdFusion pages.  
CFCOL  Defines table column header, width, alignment, and text.  
CFCOLLECTION  Creates and administers Verity collections.  
CFCONTENT  Defines the content type and, optionally, the filename of a
file to be downloaded by the current page.  
CFDIRECTORY  Performs typical directory-handling tasks from within your
ColdFusion application.  
CFERROR  Displays customized HTML error pages when errors occur.  
CFEXIT  Aborts processing of currently executing CFML custom tag.  
CFFILE  Performs typical file-handling tasks from within your ColdFusion
CFFORM  Builds an input form and performs client-side input validation.  
CFFTP  Permits FTP file operations.  
CFGRID  Used in CFFORM to create a grid control for tabular data.  
CFGRIDCOLUMN  Used in CFFORM to define the columns used in a CFGRID.  
CFGRIDROW  Used with CFGRID to define a grid row.  
CFGRIDUPDATE  Performs updates directly to ODBC data source from edited
grid data.  
CFHEADER  Generates HTTP headers.  
CFHTMLHEAD  Writes text, including HTML, to the HEAD section of a
specified page.  
CFHTTP  Used to perform GET and POST to upload files or post a form,
cookie, query, or CGI variable directly to a specified server.  
CFHTTPPARAM  Used with CFHTTP to specify parameters necessary for a
CFHTTP POST operation.  
CFINDEX  Used to create Verity search indexes.  
CFINPUT  Used in CFFORM to create input elements such as radio buttons,
checkboxes, and text entry boxes.  
CFLDAP  Provides access to LDAP directory servers.  
CFLOCK  Synchronizes a section of CFML code.  
CFMAIL  Assembles and posts an email message.  
CFMODULE  Used to invoke a custom tag.  
CFOBJECT  Creates and uses COM or CORBA objects.  
CFPARAM  Defines a parameter and its initial default value.  
CFPOP  Retrieves messages from a POP mail server.  
CFPROCPARAM  Specifies parameter information for a stored procedure.  
CFPROCRESULT  Specifies a result set name that other ColdFusion tags use
to access the result set from a stored procedure.  
CFREGISTRY  Reads, writes, and deletes keys and values in the system
CFREPORT  Embeds a Crystal Reports report.  
CFSCHEDULE  Schedules page execution with option to produce static pages.
CFSCRIPT  Encloses a set of CFScript statements.  
CFSEARCH  Executes searches against data indexed in Verity collections
using CFINDEX.  
CFSELECT  Used in CFFORM to create a drop-down list box form element.  
CFSLIDER  Used in CFFORM to create a slider control element.  
CFSTOREDPROC  Specifies database connection information and identifies
the stored procedure to be executed.  
CFTABLE  Builds a table.  
CFTEXTINPUT  Places a single-line text entry box in a CFFORM.  
CFTHROW  Raises a developer-specified exception.  
CFTRANSACTION  Groups CFQUERYs into a single transaction; performs
rollback processing.  
CFTREE  Used in CFFORM to create a tree control element.  
CFTREEITEM  Used with CFTREE to populate a tree control element in a
CFWDDX  Serializes and de-serializes CFML data structures to the
XML-based WDDX format.  

You can scale your Express applications using ColdFusion Enterprise or
ColdFusion Professional to deliver complex, large volume, transaction
intensive solutions. Applications built with ColdFusion Express can be
deployed on any other version of ColdFusion Server without modification.
More detailed information on upgrade opportunities from ColdFusion
Express can be found online at

On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 15:42:55 -0500 Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I was thinking about installing Cold Fusion Express on my linux
> box at home to work with, but don't know if it would be worth
> the trouble. Has anyone here used it and can tell me what, if
> any, limitations you ran in to? I can't find anything on the site
> about what it doesn't support, so tell me if there is anything
> major thats missing that I will need. Thanks,
> Ryan
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