RADEMAKERS Tanguy said the following on 7/12/2006 9:16 AM:
> check the list archives, or check their (Zone Alarm) web site - i don't
> know anything about this firsthand, just remembered that somebody else
> had this problem recently.
> Happy.
> Googling.

The problem I was having indeed appeared to be with ZoneAlarm Pro. 
Here's a thread I found that provided some background: 
I *was* running the latest version of ZA and that's when the problem 
showed up (after a recent upgrade). Anyway, I removed ZA and am now 
running the Comodo Personal Firewall (beta version - the latest stable 
was crashing too often). For now, I should at least be able to get some 
productive work done (after battling this silly problem for four days).

And since I uninstalled CFStudio in the process of troubleshooting, and 
my fledgling attempts to try HomeSite didn't work, it looks like 
CFEclipse is my editor of choice for the time being.


Chris Montgomery

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