> my full apologies, seems I'm pointing to a custom JRE install 
> on my local laptop....1.4.2_11 and cfldap is working...and 
> webservices...and the new uber kewl AMF gateway too. w00t fL3X!

No need to apologize - it's great news to hear that CFLDAP and Axis work
with 1.4.2_11!

> Now, digging into the jrun dir I get:
> C:\JRun4\jre\bin>c:\jrun4\jre\bin\java -version java version 
> "1.4.2_09"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 
> 1.4.2_09-b05) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_09-b05, 
> mixed mode)
> this agrees with
> http://www.adobe.com/support/documentation/en/coldfusion/mx702
> /cf702_releasenotes.html
> I swear one of the updaters, maybe a JRun updater, changed 
> the location of the JRE under the JRun install dir 
> too...ca'nt find the doc for it though.

I don't know what JVM you get when you do a full install of 7.0.2; I
installed the updater on my laptop running multiserver JRun 4 Updater 6.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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