
But how do you track by this dynamic SQL string to the orignal parent query?

>This is not an SP per se, it is just how SQL handles these dynamic SQL
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Billy Jamme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: CF-Talk <>
>Sent: Mon Jul 17 20:44:40 2006
>Subject: Using SQL profiler with cfqueryparam
>Hello All,
>I'm trying to track some slow running queries with MS SQL profiler.  If I
>use cfqueryparam Coldfusion will automatically convert the query to a stored
>For example:
><cfquery name="test" datasource="MSSQL">
>     SELECT 
>         id, user
>     FROM 
>         userTable
>     WHERE 
>         id = AND
>         user = #form.user#
>In MS SQL profiler you will actually see this query in the TextData field;
>     SELECT 
>         id, user
>     FROM 
>         userTable
>     WHERE 
>         id = AND
>         user = #form.user#
>However, if you add cfqueryparams to variables in the query, you'll see:
>exec sp_execute 27, '12', '941'
>Where 27 is the stored procedure handler, '12' is the variable and
>'941' is the form.user variable.  My question is, where does ColdFusion
>store the handler information?  In other words, how would I track "exec
>sp_execute 27, '12', '941'" to the actual query being called.
>Thanks in advance,

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