>What is your Session timeout (in administrator and within your cfapplication
>tag) set to?

CreateTimeSpan(0, 1, 0, 1)

I don't know in the administrator because it is a shared host.

The variable "locale" is only used in the one instance on application pages. 
Anyway, doesn't seem to be that variable per se causing the error.

For now I've put a cfif to check if isdefined above the query and reset the 
cache time to 0 if not, because refreshing always fixes it when it's down.

I just can't figure out how it could go wrong to start as that querry is always 
called by application.cfm and is cached. How can it call it then within a 
couple lines of code it is no longer defined? And I even had a check for 
isdefined to recall it right above the line giving the error. (Hence the 
refresh code added now.)

Could it be another site on a shared host is mucking things up in the cache???

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