How big are the PDF's (MB and # pages)?  You could possibly be memory bound if 
they're very large and you could ease that by increasing MAXMEM, etc.  One 
minute (60,000 milliseconds) per PDF is a very, very long time...somethings 
definitely not right there.

Are these batched (ie one request sequentially generating 100 PDFs)?  If there 
are no or minimal interdependencies, and the large per-report time is needed 
(whatever it could be doing for a minute I don't know), but you could also look 
at using the CFML Async Gateway to run multiple batches (say 10 PDF's each) in 
parallel (be sure to bump up the "Maximun number of Report Threads" that 
ColdFusion can use to process report requests AND the Event Gateway Processing 
Threads in the in the Admin.  

Also what are the specs on the machine?  And (probably most importantly), what 
is the processing time of a very simple PDF with one qeury row from the same 
DSN, etc for comparison?  Anything especially complex about these reports (ie 
many subreports, across 500 pages, etc?)


>Does anyone have any experience of bad performance when generating PDF's in
>CF7 with CFReport?
>Currently I'm trying to put together a process to generate around 100
>dynamically populated PDF's at a time, but the performance is turning out to
>be real bad (~1 min per PDF, not including getting the data.)
>Does anyone know any ways of speeding things up a little?
>Neil Middleton

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