I am trying to track down what appears to be a threading issue with a 3rd
party supplied COM object made in .net using C#. The dll is supposed to be
thread safe but under load appears to work in a non thread safe way. 


I have built a coldfusion app that has many process calling a method from
the COM object instantiated at application. The COM takes a string (a small
xml), waits for 40 seconds then spits the same string back in a variable
passed by reference. Under heavy load the string that is returned is the
string passed in by a different execution. If I exchange it for a different
COM, say the Com wrapper version of htmlTidy and do the same thing the
string returned is correct. If I change the way it works and move the
instantiation to the same function as the DLL method being called then it
returns the right string. 


So does this mean that if the COM works correctly when each process
instantiates it as opposed to at the application level it is not thread

And if not then say this method takes 40 seconds, is being executed at least
200 times every minute, is this a server killer?


All the documentation seems to suggest that this is a very bad idea but any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Benjamin Dry
Web Developer - Programmer  

Enpresiv Group Pty Ltd
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