depends...are sub-departments actually departments in and of
themselves?  would a department ever be beneath a division as well as
beneath another department?

if they are truly sub-departments, then i'd break them out into a
sub-department table.  no need to get overly complex.

On 7/21/06, Steven Sprouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could I do this...
> In my Departments table create a field that is called SubDept and have it be 
> either yes or no and another field called SubDeptID and allow null values so 
> if a dept isn't a sub-department of something it stays blank, but if it is it 
> will have a number that corresponds to the DeptID.
> Then in my code I could do a cfif statement saying "if subdept equals yes, 
> then create do a nested unordered list based off of it's corresponding Dept 
> ID, if no, do nothing"
> Would that even work?  Would it still list that sub-department under the main 
> departments anyway?

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