Even with no server cache, the cfclasses folder holds the compiled
classes and can continue to do so if a file is deleted. The cflogout
thing is a different problem.

These questions are for the cflogout thing:

How is is IE set to check for new content
in the page? If you clear your IE cache and revisit the page after
logging out, do you still appear logged in? If you then try a protected
page, are you actually still logged in?

On 7/26/06, Lewis Billingsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I discovered the problem with bringing up a file in a directory where it no 
> longer resides at another time. It was a ColdFusion file, using IE 6.  The 
> pages were not protected by login or any security.  It was just an 
> unexplainable problem and so was this. Do you know if my server people could 
> be right in that there is no server cache?  And can you tell me if the code 
> for application.cfm below is correct?
> Thanks,
> Lewis
> >
> ><cfcomponent output="false">
> >       <cfset this.name="MSFWGrantees">
> >       <cfset this.sessionManagement=True>
> >       <cfset this.loginstorage="Session">
> >       <cfset this.sessiontimeout=createtimespan(0,0,10,0)>
> >       <cfset This.clientmanagement = false>
> >       <cfset This.applicationtimeout=createtimespan(5,0,0,0)>
> >
> ><cffunction name="onRequestStart" returntype="boolean" output="true">
> >       <cfset REQUEST.datasource="wdsc">
> >       <!--- Check to see if the user is logged in,  if not force them to 
> > now --->
> >       <cfinclude template="ForceUserLogin.cfm">
> >       <cfreturn true>
> ></cffunction>
> ></cfcomponent>

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