It sounds to me like you are trying to mix a JavaScript function with CF,
which doesn't work.

You'll either need a CF function that does what you're trying to do (which
I'm not sure of;
Spell out the number? At any rate, JS is pretty convertible to CF.) or pass
the JS var
to CF in some way.  I think it's probably pretty hard to do it "in page"
unless you use AJAX.

If you are converting a number to it's phonetic equivalent, or whatever,
maybe check out
this UDF:

Then you could use the <cfset> to set the variable.

I'm sorry this isn't very clear, but hopefully it's enough to get you going

Recap: You're trying to use JS within CF, and it doesn't work like that.

Let me know if I can be any more un-clear-er.

On 8/6/06, Ray Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having a problem with a dollar-to-text conversion script I downloaded.
> Actually I'm not sure if the script works or not because CF say's it can't
> find the variable dollarText (which is the name of the script function. I
> won't post the script here since it's very long and I don't even think it's
> being accessed by CF, but here is the situation and the relevent coding (I
> think). I'm pulling a dollar field from the database called NetIncome that I
> want to convert. Then I'm trying to use the <cfset> tag to create a value
> called CheckTotalText. Here is the code for that:
> <cfset CheckTotalText = dollarText(NetIncome)>
> This is where the page fails and it gives me the error:
> Variable DOLLARTEXT is undefined.


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