Here is a good example of the kind of determination people trying to
prevent JS hacks (e.g. XSS) are facing:

On 8/8/06, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a site where the guestbook is a constant problem for me.  I've
> tried persuading the radio station management that they really dont
> want a guestbook but they see it as an important way to interact with
> the listeners.
> We'll get a fan of a show saying how the host is wonderful - a dream -
> 'a real spunk' then a whole tribe of others saying how ugly and
> totally undesirable the host is.  Never any middle ground.
> So I have to keep it going.
> It's a constant source of problems, from people at other stations or
> fans of other stations trying to embarass us by putting links to porn
> or telling out-and-out lies there.   We get lots of spammers trying to
> use our guestbook form to send their emails or post links to their
> sites.
> Here are some of the things we do (and it's a changing feast - i'm
> always tinkering with teh process page to tighten it up a little
> without inhibiting the real listeners posting (which is why we havent
> gone to useing Captcha yet).
> [A] no guestbook post goes straight to the site.  It goes to an editor first
> [B] any post containing the character < gets dumped. (early attempt to
> filter out html)
> [C] any post containing some reserved words gets dumped.
> [D]  Just in case <b> didnt catch it,  all posts are HTMLEditFormated
> [E] All posts go through <cfqueryparam on their way into the database
> [F]  Any posts not coming from the right page (ie having
> cgi.http_referer with the correct value) get dumped.
> [G] Ip address of every post are stored, and posts coming from some
> ips and some domains are dumped.
> The poster doesn't always get notified that the post has been dumped -
> I dont want to give too many clues to the abusers about what checks
> are being made.  There arent any foolproof safeguards  but we keep on
> working on it while trying to resist any measure that will make it
> more difficult for legitimate listeners to post.
> It keeps managing that site interesting though!
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On 8/8/06, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Do you have any scripts that you can share?
> >
> > Well, no, unfortunately.
> >
> > The reason for this is that there are various approaches that you can take
> > to solve this problem, and these approaches are very dependent on what
> > you're trying to accomplish - it's not a matter of just having a script that
> > you can plug in. One solution, as Michael Dawson mentioned, is to use
> > HTMLEditFormat to remove all HTML from input. This is pretty simple, and
> > prevents many XSS attacks (though not necessarily all). But what if you want
> > to allow people to input HTML in the first place? This is somewhat common in
> > CMS environments, for example. This is why "languages" like BBML exist - to
> > allow limited HTML authoring without allowing the author to submit HTML to
> > the server. Even then, you have to watch out for things like JavaScript
> > pseudo-URLs, which bypass any tag-based approach to removing XSS exploits.
> >
> > In addition, you may choose to differentiate between "safe" and "unsafe"
> > strings, an approach recommended by Joel Spotsky in passing here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> >
> >

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