Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> Does anyone know who owns coldfusionjobs.com? It's a scam site that only 
> shows advertising and actually is showing ads in a way that is in total 
> violation of the Google terms of service. I can't block my ads from showing 
> on it due to the way that they've hijacked the ads so I want to contact them 
> directly to have my content removed. 

I don't know who owns it, but I've seen many many similar sites 
recently, across various searchterm-type topics. Whether it's an ad 
scam, a pagerank scam or some other type of scam, this page fits the 
profile of a very large number of similar pages right now.

I still check Technorati and blogsearch.google.com daily with terms like 
"adobe (software OR format)", but the vast majority of results are sites 
like this. More on this subject:


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Weblog: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/jd
Aggregator: http://weblogs.macromedia.com/mxna
Technotes: http://www.macromedia.com/support/
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.

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