Is there a way to use the cfcompile utility successfully in the following 

1. Create a CF Web site on a development server (with all paths set as 
variables in a config file for portability)
2. Use the cfcompile utility with the -deploy option to create java bytecode
3. Deploy the compiled java bytecode on a remote production server with an 
editable version of the config file (assuming that the production servers has a 
licensed edition of coldfusion server).

In my tests so far, the compile utility hard-codes the location of the source 
files on the development server hard drive. This means the utility can't be 
used for code created on a development server with the intention of deploying 
in a production environment. Is that correct? 

I am using CFMX 7 Enterprise (DevNet). I am wondering if this behaviour is 
related to that. It seems to me that the utility isn't very useful if all the 
paths are hardcoded. The production servers that I want to deploy to vary - 
Standard and Enterprise.

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