Hello fellows,

 I have a problem regarding the mapping problem of remote directory. I have 
listed down the my computer specs.

1:) I have running web server on one location and it is using for the 
production server. which IP address is suppose
2:) Many computers are attached with it and its all running on LAN. all 
computers have there local IP. like 

and now the problem is that my all files are stored on Computer C and I want to 
access the file from my web server let suppose. www.xyz.com/directory/abc.cfm
In which I have putted some lines like which run the files 
for example: 
< a href="file://"> Play </ a >

Problem: If I run that page on local lan then its works. but when I run from 
outer side of the LAN mean from another PC except Lan then I shows the error 
that It didn't find the file. 

Please any one help me how could that problem would resolve and how I map my 
remote directory to the coldfusion webserver.

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