If you have a master list of names - just put the id in the value of
the select, but display the name. The only thing you need to store in
the roster table is the id - as it will relate back to your master

<select name="girlid">
<option value="1">Jane Doe</option>

On 8/21/06, Peter Tanswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I got the cfloop working and I am now able to create a record in the
> database.  I want to make a small change however and I have it partly
> working:
> In the master list of names there is an id key which exists.  I am now
> displaying that as part of the select list, so that that it can be moved
> across as well.
> I dont necessarily need to display the id, but at present I am.
> Basically I just want to be sure that I can save the id when I am writing
> the records to the table.
> Currently I am writing the id as part of the name in the table I am
> creating.
> I tried including the girlid into the insert into statement but then the
> program crashed because there was only one column of data. #q#  how do I get
> the id and the name
> Basically, how do I write 2 columns into the database.
> Currently I am doing:
>  <cfset girls = '#form.sel#'>
> <cfdump var="#form.sel#">
> <!---
> <cfdump var="Date =  #insert_date#   <br>  Girls = #girls#">
> --->
> <cfloop list="#girls#" index="i">
>      <cfoutput>#i#<br></cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> <cftransaction>
> <CFQUERY datasource="#Request.DSN#">
>            DELETE
>           FROM testRoster
> <cfloop list="#girls#" index="q">
>      <cfquery name="insert" datasource="#Request.DSN#">
>           INSERT INTO testRoster (girl_name)
>           VALUES ('#q#')
>      </cfquery>
> </cfloop>
> </cftransaction>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Tanswell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 August 2006 4:04 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: creating a new record in a db table
> OK here is a summary of what I'm trying to achieve.
> I have displayed on the screen two select lists.  A user is then able to
> select names from one select list to the other.  In fact, the select list on
> the lest is a master list so all the names will appear in that list.
> Lets say a user selects 10 names from the list on the left and moves them to
> the list on the right.
> When the user clicks submit I want to create a table that contains one
> record for each name in the table on the right.
> Currently I have the following:
> I am displaying individual lines on the scree, but in the DB I am just
> getting one record created,  The format of the record being the id field and
> then the name field which looks like:
> Abby,Bthe,Cindy,Coral    -  basically comma delimted where as I want in this
> case 4 separate records created in the DB.
> Thanks in advance for any feedback
> <cfset girls = '#form.sel#'>
> <cfloop list="#girls#" index="i">
>             <cfoutput>#i#<br></cfoutput>
> </cfloop>
> <cfquery datasource="#Request.DSN#">
> Insert into testRoster
> (girl_name)
> Values
> ('#girls#')
> </cfquery>

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