I had to reply and say a special thank you to Mr. Ben Nadel.  I tried
your script and included a simple cfmail to test it's functionality and
it worked awesome!  This is exactly what I was looking for.

Thank you for sharing.


>I say go really really simple. At the bottom of the article page include
>some javascript like this:
><script type="text/javascript">
>       setTimeout(
>               // Function to get called after 60 seconds.
>               function(){
>                       var imgRequest = new Image();
>                       imgRequest.src =
>"reward_user.cfm?id=#...#&article_id=#...#&key=#Hash( SESSION.CFID &
>SESSION.CFTOKEN & id & article_id )#"
>               },
>               // Run after 60 seconds
>               60 * 1000
>               );
>This would, after 60 seconds, create an image and then try to set it's
>source to a CFM page. This would in essence call that CFM page. The image
>would break (or you could return a gif based on CFContent). The
>reward_user.cfm page would reward the user based on the user id (id), the
>article id (article_id) and a key (the HASH value). The HASH value is meant
>to help stop anyone else from guessing a reward URL. Then on the
>reward_user.cfm page, you would want to make sure you never credited someone
>twice I suppose. 
>Ben Nadel 

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