From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm sorry, you may have to whack me in the head with a 2X4.  Could you
> explain this in a little more detail please.  Not sure I get it.

I'll try, but if I were left-handed I might have to use a 4x2.

> Let's take one template (this is for an travel insurance company):
> "payment_process.cfm".  There's as many as 50 variables in there, and it
> does some complicate calculations to come up with the premium.

O.K. - template produces data.

> I've got no problem getting it to work when the form is submitted, *IF* I've
> got my <CFOUTPUT>s in the template itself.  At this point though, I'm a
> little lost as to how to get this same template to be part of <CFMAIL>
> though, since

Your form, upon submit, needs to <cfoutput> the premium?
O.K. - although what you present makes the work flow of your
app hard to fathom.

> <CFMAIL.......>
> <cfinclude template="payment_process.cfm">
> can't have <CFOUTPUT>s inside.......

Well - that's not a prohibition I've seen CF enforce ....

O.K. With the <CFMAIL></CFMAIL> tag set you can have
literals and variables for the body text that gets sent.
<cfset addressee="Ms. Floridale Hummingbird">
<cfset amount="$1,000.00">
<cfset linefeed=chr(10) & chr(13)>
 Dear #addressee#,#linefeed#
Welcome to our program. #linefeed#
Your premium will be #amount#.#linefeed#

You don't need any <cfoutputs> in the <cfmail> tags - the 
variables will be evaluated along with the literals.

The above snippet will deliver mail with body-text equal
Dear Ms. Floridale Hummingbird,

Welcome to our program.
Your premium will be $1,000.00


What I was suggessting was that as long as your include
(frex, payment_process.cfm) <cfset>s variable {amount}
 then you can do 
<cfinclude template="">

See? Then it doesn't matter if you have any <cfoutput>s
inside of payment_process.cfm. You could display the
output of the include and send email at the same time.
What I usually do with <cfmail> is concatenate all the elements
of each line before the <cfmail> and then code

That way I can query a db and collect a set of pre-formatted
lines selected for the subject and recipient, insert vars
and then pump out the mail. 

> Please bear with me....I actually starting to figure *SOME* of this out!

Me too. 


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