There is are RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel directives that can be
used to debug your mod_rewrite configuration by recording what rules
are changing the request destination from what to what.  Drop those in
your Apache config and you should be able trace through and figure out
what URL is actually being requested of JRun.  And don't forget your
PT (passthrough) flag so that other URL affecting modules (like
mod_alias) can have their say on the modified request.

I've run into some issues where CF insists on using the wrong
filesystem path for a given URL.  It'll simply look for the file in
the wrong place, almost as if it's using the original URL to pick the
folder, even though it's using the rewritten URL to pick the filename
to look for.  But that's a CF error (purple and grey) not a JRun one.


On 8/23/06, Scott Stroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to get mod_rewrie working with a site I am developing.
> Here is my setup, WinXP Pro, Apache 2.0.55, CFMX 7 (multi-Server).
> I have tested mod_rewrite using basic html files, and it is is wokring as
> expected.
> However, when I try to redirect to a .cfm page, I get the following:
> <head><title>JRun Servlet Error</title></head><h1>403 Forbidden</h1><body>
> Forbidden</body>
> The mod_rewrite logs look like they are rewriting the URL as I want, but for
> some reason JRun is choking on it.
> Anyone ever see anything similar to this?
> --
> Scott Stroz
Barney Boisvert

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