One other alternative, is to encrypt your xml file if you do not have any
"outside your webroot" folders.
But any decent host should do this by default, your FTP root should be non
web accessible and have a webroot folder inside it.
But really if such a small thing is an issue, then time to switch to hosts
as dave says, I'll plug :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 26 August 2006 16:03
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Securing your config.xml file

On 8/25/06, Will Tomlinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right now my config.xml file resides where it can be browsed and read
easily. Ray C. helped me a while back on how to secure it. One of the
options is to place outside the root and read it. This needs to work with a
shared host so that's not a good option. Another was to setup a defaults.cfm
file with the xml commented out. Then you read the file, taking out the
comments. If someone browses to the file, they'd see nothing.

I'm not sure why being on a shared host eliminates placing it outside of the
web root. My personal site is on a shared host, and I have access to
directories that are within my account, but outside of the web root.
Further, you could set up a directory outside of your web root and ask your
host to set up a mapping. If they won't let you do this, then it's time to
switch to, who is unbelievably accomodating when it comes to
this sort of stuff.


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