Well, with cfhttp, you just put the csv file somewhere web-accessible,
and then use the "name" attribute for cfhttp:

<cfhttp name="csvQuery" url="http://www.your.domain/path/to/csv.file";>
<cfdump var="#csvQuery#">

The livedoc page has some examples.

There is a func at: http://www.cflib.org/udf.cfm?id=1236 that will convert
strings to queries, I think I had to add this bit of code to do basically
you first asked:

<cffunction name="qualifyWithQuotes">
    <cfargument name="daStr">
      while (findNoCase(',,',daStr)) {
      daStr = REreplace(daStr,",,",",NULL,","all");
  retStr = ListQualify(daStr,'"',',','All');// Qualify all the elements with
    retStr = Replace(retStr,'""','"','All');// Replace the [""] quotes with
["] as some already have ["]
  <cfreturn daStr>

it's old code, so your MMV...  (like, I don't think that needs to be in a
while loop, but... ;)


ps- neither of those need administrator access, and you can use a .cfm file
as a url
with cfhttp and just pump out csv data, which it will make queries out of.

On 8/29/06, Jeff Vaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Denny,
>    I'm open to any and all suggestions that "work".  I believe I've seen
> something about using both cfhttp, but haven't looked into it much.  Also,
> if there is a UDF that would be good too.
>    I suppose I should preface by saying that I do not have ANY control
> over CFADMINISTRATOR, so if any of those 2 require access to it, that option
> would be out.  Essentially, I'm going to build an app in which the user
> submits a tab delimited file, coldfusion throws it on the server, then puts
> it into MS SQL database.  I feel like I keep getting closer to an answer,
> but everywhere I turn I keep hitting road blocks.  I've searched many
> forums, but it seems like the ones that are successful in finding an answer,
> don't reply back with exactly how to get it working.  Please help!
> >Well, it's not what you asked, but have you tried using cfhttp to import
> >that CSV file as a query?
> >
> >Sometimes it's easier, if the cvs is well formatted.
> >
> >Also, there is a UDF out there for importing CSV files, which I assume
> >handles empty elements.
> >
> >I think someone posted some java to do this too, not too long ago...
> (least
> >using stringBuff?)
> >
> >May the import force be with you!
> >;)en
> >
> >On 8/29/06, Jeff Vaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>

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