To add a little bit more to Ricks suggestion.  The functions are typically
named similarly as well.  Alll list functions begin with 'list', such as
listLen(), listGetAt(), ListFirst().  Same goes for function dealing with
structures, arrays, queries, xml....

On 8/31/06, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doug Brown wrote:
> > Say I have a list
> >
> > <cfset myList = "test1 test2 test3">
> >
> > What list function would I use to make it
> >
> > test1-test2-test3
> Dave,
> I realize your question has already been answered by thousands of
> vigilant readers here so...
> Here's a newbie tip for you.  Coldfusion functions are divided into
> categories, like list functions, array functions, math functions, string
> functions, etc.
> So you google for "coldfusion version 7 list functions" and the livedocs
> page that comes up will be of great service to you.
> The very first google result is the page I'm referring to, and it would
> be easy to answer such a question by looking at the list of available
> functions.
> Good luck!
> Rick

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