TinyMCE is pretty good too.  I prefer it to FCK.

On 8/31/06, Tom King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Has anyone come across a Rich Text Editor which meets the following
> requirements:
> - Doesn't use inline styles, i.e p,em,i,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 only
> - Could load an external CSS stylesheet so what you see in the RTE
> window takes on the necessary styles of the website in which you're
> trying to edit
> - Filters out cut and pasted formatting (but more specifically, word)
> - Has html view
> - Has an image browser to browse a predetermined image directory on
> the server
> - Could be used on Shared Hosting, so not a fully fledged CMS
> I've found Widgeditor, which is almost there, but sadly not being
> developed anymore.
> Anything in Java/Flash which springs to mind?
> I've got quite far using Widgeditor + Cffile/Directory for writing
> and creating pages via a "admin" section, but it's not that user
> friendly..
> Thanks all,
> T

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