
Before we switched to MX7 we needed RSA, so we rolled our own wrapper
around the Bouncy Castle Encryption library.  Email me off-list if
you're interested. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Boude (rhymes with 'loud') [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Adding encryption algorithm to MX

Hi all. I need to make the RSA encryption algorithm available within CF
in order to connect with a client using Single Sign On. The two options
I see at this point are:

1. extend the encryption algorithms available to the Encrypt function;
2. purchase a custom tag and put it in place for use

I would like to solicit others' opinions about which way I ought to
proceed and sources of third party products, based on the community's
experience in this arena. The points and counterpoints I'm exploring
right now are:

 - to extend the Encrypt function, I'll need to purchase and configure a
java security package. So far I've only found one, and they wanted 20
grand for it. Anybody know of an RSA java package that doesn't cost more
than my Jeep?

 - I've found at least two custom tags that *look* like they'll do what
I need, each around $100. With such a price gap between a custom tag and
the security package, what functionality would I be missing by choosing
the cheaper route?

 - Anybody already been through this or a similar scenario, having to
add to the algorithms available to CF and can share some of the gotchas
or shortcuts they discovered?

Thanks all.

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