Have you checked to see if DB/2 supports recursive queries?  Most DBs
don't, but some do.  That'd be the best bet.  Otherwise you're stuck
with doing the recursion manual: run that query, then run it again for
each returned row, repeating until there aren't any more rows.

If you have a common need to extract all decendants of a node and your
tree is pretty static, the nested set model might be a good fit.  It's
somewhat more complex, but not terribly so, and is very good at
extracting subtrees of arbitrary size in a single query.


On 9/1/06, loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an organization table.  There is an org_id and a parent_org_id.
> I am trying to get all organizations from a certain point down.  The
> environment is DB/2.
> So far I'm doing:
> Select
>         org.org_id,
>         org.parent_org_id
> From
>         organizations org
> Left join
>         Organizations org2
> On
>         Org.org_id = org2.parentID
> Where org.org_id = #session.filter.org_id#
> I know I have seen something similar to this before.  It's no problem going
> down one level but there seems to be a need to do some sort of recursion or
> something in order to go lower than that.
> I'm beating myself over the head with this one, on a Friday afternoon, any
> pointers would be much appreciated.

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