I think you are going to have trouble with your Top X Items idea.

I try to shy away from batching mail in chunks like that.  Its just
not scaleable.  Either that or it has a fatal flaw hiding inside that
is just as bad as whatever your curent problem is.

In this case I think you have both.  Consider the fact that CF will
happily Select Top X, shoot out X emails, mark X db records and loop
around and do it again.  Sounds great.  Except CF will do it at speeds
that no doubt FAR exceed the capacity of your presently-hobbled
system.  I'd bet you aren't going to accomplish a thing with it

So to solve that poblem you say to youself "I will slow it down
programmatically".  The olde tyme way was with a CFLoop inside your
mail loop set to run for X iterations where running those iterations
where those iterations take up some real time.  This has the side
effect of eating up processor cycles like a Tyrannosaur crashing the
Brontosaurus Family Reunion and also tying up a thread while the
brontosaurs are mowed down.

To which you can say "Aha... I have CFMX Version [whatever] so I can
call a java sleep method.  This is great news to the brontosaurs'
social calendar but still sucks down a thread for ever and ever.

....Yes I know I am blabbing but I am in the middle of an 8 hr layover
at O'Hare Int'l Airport and am bored...

Why not look at your mail server?  Forget about CF for the moment.
Seems like the mail server is the problem.  Can you install, for
example, iMS?  There is a cheap version, and a free one too.  Run it
off a nonstandard port if you have port 25 already taken.

Janitor, MSB Web Systems

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