Thanks for the info, Denny!

If you don't mind, please do pass along the code, etc., on the 5160's.
I can then see everything you used and how you did it etc.  If you would
pass along the Word Avery template, that would be great, too.  I'd like to
see how you set that up.

And...if it gets the job done, I don't think it's poor code!  :o)


-----Original Message-----
From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 12:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Method for printing labels from browser?

NP Rick!

What I did was open word, select the avery template, and created a sheet of
labels with a special char alone for each label's content.

Then I saved the file as an RTF, and replaced the special char with the
content I wanted.  I used the RTF newline code to add extra lines to each
label (/par).
And it was a replace("one") type search, just looped.

The main thing is that an RTF is just plain text, so if you "know the codes"
you can create them by hand, with notepad.

There is a link out there for the first chapter of an o'riely book (i think)
that covers the basics.  Best resource I ever found.

If you'd like, and you're targeting the 5160's, I can give you the stuff I
have... it doesn't use anything fancy.

Just no laughing at my poor code. =]

On 9/3/06, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, interesting sounding solution...I assume you used 
> something like WordPad to create the RTF with bogus addresses.
> How did you go about the search and replace for the label contents?
> Did you use common placeholders in the RTF for the field data, such as:
> Name
> Street_Address
> City, State ZipCode
> And then just replace "Name" with Query.Name and "Street_Address" with 
> Query.StreetAddress, etc.?
> I haven't tried running a search and replace using CF on an RTF 
> doc...I'll have to check into that, too.
> Since, I'm still using 4.5, I'm not picking about the solution, long 
> as I have one.
> Thanks for the help!
> Rick

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