Hmmm, maybe something like:

<cfloop from="1" to="10" step="2" index="i">

Kris Jones wrote:
> Sorry, but I'm still missing your intention here. The HTML below looks
> like you want a 2-column table. Are you trying to get the current
> record ID in column1 and the next record's ID in column2? Did you want
> each table row to represent a row in the recordset? If that is the
> case, then this should work:
> <cfoutput query="get" startrow="#url.start#" maxrows="5">
>      <tr>
>          <td>#get.vidwee_id#</td>
>          <td>#get.vidwee_id[get.currentrow+1]#</td>
>      </tr>
> </cfoutput>
> Cheers,
> Kris
>> What I neglected to describe was I need the format of the
>> table look to be as follows so that the out put looks like ...
>> <tr>
>>  <td></td>
>>  <td></td>
>> </tr>
>> or
>> (using id values as examples, some rows have been deleted so they are not 
>> sequential)
>> 11 13
>> 14 16
>> 17 18
>> 19 21
>> 25 28
>> However, I'm trying to figure out how to get the second table row
>> to output the next logical record during the cfoutput interation.
>> Since I'm trying to interate over the table formats code startinig
>> with <tr> and ending with </tr> I'm trying to figure out how to get
>> the second row to output the next record after each iteration.

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