How is "1,235" considered an integer? I know that ColdFusion is a lossely typed 
language, but what CF programmer is writing code like <cfset myNumber = 1,234 
/> ?

Not only is it wrong to validate numeric input with commas, it's 
counter-intuitive, illogical, and just plain insecure. If the programmer wishes 
the user to be able to enter commas, that's fine, but it should certainly not 
be the default behavior, especially when the validation did not work that way 
prior to MX 7. I don't understand why the person/people who developed these 
most recent validation functions did not think programmers would not want the 
numeric data to be something that could be stuck straight into a SQL query as a 
numeric data type. Commas should be an exception, not the rule. Add a new 
validation function called "numberWithCommas" or something like that, but why 
break something that works just fine?

What's even worse, is the number validation functions will allow an arbitrary 
number of commas at arbitrary positions. So the user can enter 
"1,,,,,,2,,,3,,,,,,,,5" and it will validate just fine. This is because whoever 
wrote the validation JavaScript (located in cfform.js) decided it would be a 
wise idea to strip the commas, and other special characters, from the input 
string before validating it. However, these characters are not stripped from 
the user's actual input, so the JavaScript is validating something different 
that was actually typed. I don't see how you can call this anything but a bug.

I've been a huge fan and supporter of ColdFusion since I started using it in 
version 5. However, this recent discovery has caused me to lose a lot of faith, 
because data validation that is something that I fell can not be overlooked in 
the slightest, as it apparently has been in MX 7. I for one, will be using 
custom regular expressions, until Adobe either issues a fix for the validation 
functions, or the new version of CF is released, and I would suggest that 
everyone else do the same, as that current numeric validation functions pose a 
serious security risk and allow users to easily crash your application if you 
do not know what to expect.

As a footnote, I've also had issues with the validate="telephone" function as 
well. I would suggest for anyone that extensively uses the validation feature 
in <cfform> elements, to write their own custom regular expressions for as many 
of the validation types as possible. Of course, you could also make changes to 
the cfform.js script, but that probablly isn't the wisest idea for a long-term 


Justin Holzer

>I was gonna say, I thought an Int was just a whole number, meaning no
>fractions or decimals correct?
>Commas should be allowed past that shouldn't they?

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