Use ColdFusion to create the text you need to create the batch file.  Use
cffile to create a file, add the text for commands you need and then change
the file extension to .bat or whatever.  I doubt the server manager locked
down creation of new files in your working web directory.


On 9/6/06, D F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> unfortunatley cannot do this ( already thought of that ) with present
> server configuration. Either through Bat. or .wsh/vbs/js etc... permissions
> issue with managed server.
> >Create a batch file to stop then start the services, and call it via
> >cfexecute.
> >You will need to add a wait command between the stop and start as cf can
> >take a few minutes to stop sometimes.
> >
> >Russ
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: D F [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Sent: 06 September 2006 12:56
> >To: CF-Talk
> >Subject: restarting CF via the factory
> >
> >Was wondering if it was possible to restart Coldfusion ( and related
> >services ) programmatically.. perhaps through the factory?

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