I think using a database table, like Pete suggested, is a decent
solution. The issues I was hoping to avoid were the tedious data
entry, quality assurance testing, and keeping it updated. That is why
I was hoping for something open-source or a professional product.
There are products that do this that you can buy, although the few I
have seen are very expensive, and they probably do not integrate well
with ColdFusion.

Soundex would help for accidental misspellings, which is more likely
for addresses than names. For example, College vs Collage. I imagine
those would be identical to Soundex. Minnesota and Massachusetts are
commonly misspelled.

Thank you,
Mike Chabot

On 9/5/06, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not write a package that does it? You even have a name for it- Peg!
> >Does anyone know of code that can match formal names, such as
> >"Michael" with their less formal equivalents, such as "Mike." I was
> >starting to code this but stopped after realizing that there were
> >thousands of these nicknames. I am mainly interested in names, but
> >matching addresses abbreviation, such as "Blvd" = "Boulevard" might be
> >helpful as well.
> >
> ><http://www.usgenweb.org/research/nicknames.shtml>

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