You're talking about a CSV right?  What amounts to a simple list, but
with zillions of rows?

The trick I found to getting this done (which the good folks here
helped with enormously) is to use java to read each line incrementally
rather than having cffile try to scarf down the whole file into

I don't have code handy right this second (I can get hold of it when I
get back home tonight) but basically once you read in a single line
you just use list processing to feed the individual fields into an
insert statement.  I actually used listToArray() and then array
notation in my code, to keep from having to use listGetAt() or
somesuch on every spot on my insert.  Was easier for me as well if I
wanted to manipulate the field prior to saving as well.

On 9/6/06, Chris Tilley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have a tested method of uploading bulk data to a database?  I
> have a need (annually) for the admin person to be able to take data from an
> Excel spreadsheet and have it inserted into an Oracle database.  Any sample
> code would be greatly appreciated.  I've played with a CFC that makes Java
> calls but without success.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Chris Tilley

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