For some reason they both can't handle interfaces very well.

No one bothered to use the forName() method. O well

So I wrote a small interface viewer.

Take that rabbit!

So now I know resultSet has 139 methods.

On 9/6/06, James Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Object Viewer gives
> [empty string]
> For the same class.
> On 9/6/06, Dan Plesse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does this work for you?
> >
> > <cfset ResultSet = createObject("java", "java.sql.ResultSet")>
> > <cfdump var="#getJavaMetadata(ResultSet)#"/>
> >
> > 09/06 00:09:44 Error [web-17] - The selected method getClass was not
> > found.Either there are no methods with the specified method name and
> > argument types, or the method getClass is overloaded with arguments
> types
> > that ColdFusion can't decipher reliably. If this is a Java object and
> you
> > verified that the method exists, you may need to use the javacast
> function
> > to reduce ambiguity. The specific sequence of files included or
> processed
> > is: C:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\GetMetaData.cfm, line: 29
> --
> CFAJAX docs and other useful articles:

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