What are you saying here? That there is no way (ncorrectly) to row lock in

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-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schneegans
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Thu Sep 07 22:20:38 2006
Subject: Re: Locking Theory

 >>The problem it seems is that you are expecting a web app to behave like
a classic client server app. Unfortunately, HTTP is a stateless
protocol, and simply doesn't behave the same way.

Please, I'm not that dumb, I know what an application is compared to a 
simple web page.
All the same, we coldFusion developpers, are able to create complete 
true applications and work around THE HTTP "statelessness".
I is just too bad we have no tool to really control race conditions in 
our databases,
and I just wonder how many among us really care about it.

 >>For example, many databases do have the kind of locking you are talking
about - for example in Oracle you can do select...for update, which
locks the selected record until the update is completed by the session
that initiated the select. However, in a web app, this doesn't work -
there is no continuous session state for Oracle to track - the select
and the subsequent update are entirely unconnected events. It's the
nature of the beast.

If this kind of feature was implemented in ODBC or JDBC, and was
standard in SQL, there could be a tool in CF.
CF is able to keep connections open, manage time limits.
IF ODBC or JDBC was able to manage locks, there would be no problem.

 >>Web application servers work around statelessness to a degree with
session management, but it's a bit of a kludge, and doesn't introduce
true statefulness. It merely makes the application capable of knowing
that two separate actions are part of one session, but since the app
isn't connected to the browser in real time, there is no real knowledge
of the "in between".

As I said, the CF server itself is able to manage sessions, the browser is
not important here. If there were proper tools in ODBC, CF could do it
Let me see if there is anything about lock in ODBC, and I might come up
with a new version of CFX_ODBCInfo with a true record lock facility?

 >>but it's not a flaw in CF or SQL, but rather in the
underlying statelessness of HTTP.

I don't agree, it is a lack of facilities in SQL first.
suppose there was an SQL satement like

WHERE id = blah...

and that this acted like a query returning a lock handle,
and suppose there was a twin statement like

UNLOCK handle

Then, any one could use record locking in CF, provided they activate 


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