I am trying to create a PDF via CFDocument. It works fine on the local
server, but it crapping out on the live server with the following error:

An exception occurred when performing document processing. The cause of this
exception was that: coldfusion.document.DocumentProcessTimeOutException: The
content of this document process takes more than 20000 milliseconds to

It is an HTML page that is getting converted to a document. Locally it only
take like 10 seconds to run. Live, we have increased the page timeout to 60
seconds and still no luck. We have installed hotfixes. No luck. 

Furthermore, if I include the HtmlEditFormat() of the code, it works just
fine. CFDocument is fine with standard text. But, the fact that it is trying
to render an HTML page is killing it. 

We have written the HTML to a file first to make sure that it's ok.
Everything works fine. 

Any ideas why it is hanging? We are running standard edition, 7,0,1,116466.
It's the ONLY website on this NEW server box.


Ben Nadel 
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
Nylon Technology
350 7th Avenue
Floor 10
New York, NY 10001
212.691.1134 x 14
212.691.3477 fax

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