First of all, switch over to FireWorks... It is in many ways superior for
WEB DEVELOPMENT work (that's to stop all the people who get uppity about
photoshop and image manipulation). 

Fireworks also has anti-aliasing support plus it has custom aliasing where
you can determine strength, sharpness, and the number of times you go over
it (can't think of how to describe it better). In my experience, Fireworks
just makes nice photos. Also, when you export, choose GIF > Exact that way
its true colors, not small color sets.

If you want, send me the PNG and I can give it a go.


Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

Need Help?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 2:47 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: text image clarity

I'm asking this on behalf of a co-worker who is getting frustrated with
something.  How does one create "crisp" text images in PhotoShop?  We have a
nav bar that the text gets all fuzzy, no matter what settings we use
(anti-aliasing Crisp, Smooth, etc).  He also claims that he has Googled this
topic and hasn't come up with anything that goes more in-depth than
"Photoshop provides anti-aliasing options like Crisp, Smooth, etc. etc.."


Anyone have any advice on how to do this in a sure-fire way?  We also have
Illustrator and Fireworks, if those do the job any better.


I know that this isn't a graphics forum, but you guys are geniuses at
everything else, so why not graphics. An example to see what I mean:






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