Just don't forget that its faster to query DB directly then use a View (not
by much) - rather then creating a view invest your time into a stored
procedure(s). Should you use Stored Proc instead of straight SQL - well if
you do a lot of querying most likely yes, if not then you may go with ad hoc

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT Database design

Knowing that future event types may be added, I vote for option 1. It
feels wrong to have have a bunch of sometimes unnecessary fields. If
you're on MSSQL (probably doable in other DBs, but I wouldn't know),
you can set up 'views' which look like a table to CF, but do the join
you are talking about.

On 9/12/06, Tom Kitta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With the example you describe you can get away with a single table unless
> you predict changes in the future or application revolves around these
> events etc. Example: ColdFusion error logger - logs different
> ColdFusion errors. You can just have one error table and record all
> error properties that CF can throw even through non-SQL error will not
> SQL info in them. I use single table and don't even bother recording most
> events in separate fields.
> On the other hand more database normalized approach would be to have more
> than one table - for example event master table, linked to event type and
> say event line item table with event line item type table. 4 tables - you
> can model all different event types now - normalized ... but does you
> application need this?
> In short if the events are important to the application, its central part,
> do the normalized approach. If they are just a side thing and your
> application development budget is not through the roof, you can settle
> for one table approach (if the events are not very disjoint - otherwise
> have no choice).
> TK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:14 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: SOT Database design
> Hi,
> I have a database design question. I have to model a db to capture
> types of events. While all of them are events the information needed to be
> captured for each subcategory of event is quite different.
> I think there are (at least) two ways of doing it:
> 1. Have a master event table that captures all the information that is
> common to all events and then have other tables that capture information
> that is specifically to each category linked to the master table.
> 2. Use just one table to capture all the information needed for all types
> events.
> Not sure which one will be the best approach from a point of view of speed
> and maintenance.
> In the first case I will need a joint between the tables to retrieve all
> info about an event, but has the advantage that if a new event type is
> required I can add it without modifying the existing code.
> In the second case no joint, so easier retrieval but maybe a little bit
> involved if I need to expend it.
> Anyone has any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Victor
> PS Platform will be CFMX 7.x, MS-SQL 2005  and I estimate about 5k events
> per year with about 45-50 columns if using just one table

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