>>Here is one that I used before just to check it out. Right now my app has
12,849 lines

Mine is 15,976.
I slightly modified your code which had a couple of problems:
1. it was reading all files, including images,
2. it bugs on files with no extension.
3. added extension TXT since I have multilingual strings in txt files.

<cfdirectory directory="C:\inetsrv\wwwroot\FAFO" action="list" name="mySite"
filter="*" sort="directory" recurse="yes">
<cfset totalLines = 0>
<!---loop over all the files and filter on list of extensions--->
<cfloop query="mySite">
 <cfif type eq "file">
  <cfif listLen(name, '.') GT 1 AND
    "cfc,cfm,xml,as,sql,css,html,txt" CONTAINS listGetAt(name, 2, '.')>
   <!---create an array of line items (parse by ascii carriage return and
output the name of the file--->
      <cffile action="read" file="#directory#\#name#" variable="curFile" >
   <cfset myArray = listToArray(curFile, "#Chr(13)#")>
   <cfoutput>#name#<br /></cfoutput>
   <!---add current files line count to total--->
   <cfset totalLines = totalLines + arrayLen(myArray)>
<!---output line count total--->

REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;
See http://www.contentbox.com/claude/customtags/tagstore.cfm
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