>I just saw a code sample, and verified it on the livedocs, basically:
><cfquery datasource="dsn" sql="insert into ...">
>Since when did cfquery have a sql attribute, and is this deprecated or

Sure enough, I just found these docs on CF 1:



Attribute     Explanation

NAME          A name which you assign to the query. Query names must begin

              with a letter and may consist of letters, numbers, and the

              underscore character (spaces are not allowed). The query name

              is used later in the template to reference the queries result


DATASOURCE    The name of the ODBC Data Source from which this query should

              retrieve data.

SQL           An SQL statement to be processed by the database.

MAXROWS       An optional attribute specifying the maximum number of rows

              you want returned in the result set.

DEBUG         An optional attribute used for debugging queries. Specifying

              this attribute causes the SQL statement actually submitted to

              the data source and the number of records returned from the

              query to be output.                  

PS - It's funny to look back and see just how little functionality was in
the first versions of ColdFusion:



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