Oh Dave, thank you!!

This is a problem we've been fighting for a couple of months. And,
it's not just images that were breaking, anything that was linked in
had the same issue, including javascript and css files. And, of
course, it was only problem outside of the development server, where
"real domains" existed and weren't referencing either localhost or which are in the hosts file.

Ended-up pulling the functionality out of the release because of it. I
found a technote somewhere suggesting it might be a simple hosts file
fix, but our configuration management is fairly complex and we didn't
want to go changing that at the 11th hour without some better
understanding of the issue.


> I may or may NOT have had a similar problem just two days ago:
> http://www.bennadel.com/blog/266-CFDocument-Errors-And-Resolving-DNS.htm

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