At 11:06 AM 10/17/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>I am using the below code to upload some text files, if the file has an .csv
>extension is will fail the test and get the error, if I just rename the same
>file with no extension it works ok.  I though the accept="text/plain" looks
>at the file contents not the extension.  Any recommendations on how to get
>around this?
><CFFILE ACTION="UPLOAD" filefield="filename" destination="G:\blah\"
>nameconflict="ERROR" accept="text/plain">
><CFFILE ACTION="RENAME" source="G:\blah\#File.ServerFile#"
><cfcatch type="Any">
><cfset success = false>
>The File Cold NOT Be Uploaded.
>Make Sure The File You Are Uploading Is In A Plain Text Format.

MIME types are based on file extesions. I wonder what would happen if you 
tried to setup a MIME type with no extension?

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