OK, are you saying just sending their credentials via url over SSL is best?

On 9/20/06, Jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) an idea:
> they send their credentials to you ws
> if okay, you generate a really long (say, 256 characters) random string
> you update their user record, and put that string into a field e.g.
> authkey
> you send that string back to them
> they then send that string to the report for auth, which checks the db
> for that string
> 2) SSL is probably way, way  better!
> Greg Luce wrote:
> > OK, this has kicked my butt for 2 days now. I have a CF application
> (SSL)
> > with a certain report a client wants to serve up inside their C#.NET app
> > frameset. They have credentials they can provide. I've been trying to
> use a
> > webservice to authenticate these credentials (username/pw) and if good
> > create a bunch of session variables as if they were logging in manually.
> I
> > was hoping to then return a CFID and CFToken or jsessionid to the
> consumer
> > and they could use that in their frameset call of the report and they
> would
> > "join" that session. Currently I can create the session via the ws and
> send
> > back the structcount() of the session. But there don't seem to be cfid
> and
> > cftokens defined nor jsessionid.
> >
> > So, is what I'm attempting impossible, possible using some other
> technique,
> > or just stoopid?
> >
> > Maybe I'm making this too hard. Is there any problem just having the
> users
> > pass their credentials (encrypted with today's julian date as key) to
> the
> > report via the url over SSL?
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas to help me beat this thing. I know the first step
> is to
> > admit I have a problem and that I'm powerless over it! ;-)
> >
> > Greg
> >
> >
> >

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