Here's a scenario and I'd love folks' thoughts.  I am wondering how 
tough it would be to do what is being proposed.

We would have a subscription-based e-commerce application written in 
CFMX.  It would handle payments, accounts, session management, etc.  
With this application, my organization would like to integrate a .NET 
application written in C# or VB.  I know nothing about .NET so excuse me 
if this is a silly question.  How would one go about integrating the two 
applications so that the CF application is aware the user is still 
active and not time out the session while the user is busy using the 
..NET application?  The only thing that I can think of off the top of my 
head is write a web service in CF that checks and updates the session 
info.  That web service could be called from each page hit in the .Net 
app so that the user could move seamlessly between the two without 
timing out. 

Anyone do this kind of thing before?  Any thoughts on my idea?  Any 
ideas on how to do it better?  Thanks in advance!


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