I was noticing that quite a few messages from cftalk were not getting 
through to me...and finally had a chance to investigate.  Apparently  my 
  server's spamassassin install doesn't like a lot of the messages that 
come through.  Mainly it looks like this is due to the messages having 
elements that look like they come from Outlook ($ in the message id), 
but then don't list Outlook as the x-mailer.  So if you haven't been 
getting all the cftalk messages, you might want to check your spam 
program.  Of course, the people who really need to know this will just 
have this message sitting in their spam-can.

Most of the messages that were denied had a spam report similar to the 

        *  0.0 UNPARSEABLE_RELAY Informational: message has unparseable relay
        *      lines
        *  2.2 MSGID_DOLLARS Message-Id has pattern used in spam
        *  1.4 RATWARE_MS_HASH Bulk email fingerprint (msgid ms hash) found
        *  1.9 RATWARE_OUTLOOK_NONAME Bulk email fingerprint (Outlook no name)
        *      found

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