All places are not the same price

Adobe (and Macromedia before them) has an "interesting" pricing policy,
depedant on what part of the world you live in...

CFMX 7 Enterprise, bought as a download from the online store:

US price: $5,999 (USD) - roughly £3,197 (GBP)
UK price: £4,225 (GBP) - roughly $7,928 (USD)

So.. the same product - bought in the same online store - costs nearly
$2,000 extra, if you are based iin the uk.
Note this is for the download product - so there are no additional shipping
costs to take into account - and this does not include any addtional VAT

I was pleased to see that New Atlanta do not appear to charge any additional
"Dirty Foreigner" tax - the price for BlueDragon 6.2 for Microsoft .NET
Framework 1-CPU Server appears to be $2,999 wherever you are based...

Not impressed....

On 9/27/06, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where's the cheapest place to buy a CF7 license?  Or, are all places
> pretty
> much the same price?

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