Peterson, Chris wrote:
> Has anyone ever looked into writing some form of windows print driver
> before?  
> What I would like is to have a printer installed on the end user's
> machine that, when they print, an image is inserted into my database,
> with a screen to allow them to index it (maybe have the print driver
> make a tiff, and upload the tiff to a web service done in CF to allow
> indexing and saving to the DB)  I don't have any idea even what language
> I would write a simple print driver that could pass an image to a web
> service.  Any thoughts or directions would be helpful!
> Chris

This is similar to an idea I have had where a user could print a 
document to PDF, and part of the print process would be to put in some 
meta data about the file, and then it would be directed to some web 
based storage where it could be easily searched for and distributed.  I 
haven't ever pursued it very far, but I was starting to look at 
PDFCreator as the basis for the print driver...

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