I have a non-database demo that I wrote that is a watered down version
of what I do.... It a bit much to take in, but I tried to comment it up


.... Which is actually ...


Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 10:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Handling "Marketing URLs"

Here's the 404 redirector code that I developed for a couple of my

        404 Redirector
        Query redirects table //for all active values, put in server
        //Uses QoQ to get values,
         - if value is in the database, do an HTTP 301 (Moved
Permanently) redirect.
         - if value is not in the database, do an HTTP 307 (Temporary
         //- if value is not in the database, insert it
         //- if value is in the database but doesn't have a goodurl set,
increment the count
         + Requires datasource "redirects"
        attemptedURL = "http://"; & CGI.server_name & CGI.script_name;
        generatedURL = getToken(CGI.query_string, 2, ";");
        if (len(trim(generatedURL)) EQ 0) {
                generatedURL = attemptedURL;
        if (findNoCase(":80", generatedurl) NEQ 0) {
                generatedurl = replacenocase(generatedurl, ":80", "");
<cfquery name="qryRedirect" datasource="redirects">
        SELECT          R.goodURL
        FROM            tblRedirects R
        WHERE           R.badURL = '#generatedURL#' AND
                                ((R.goodurl IS NOT NULL) OR
                                (R.goodurl != ''))
<cfif qryRedirect.recordcount GT 0>
        <cfheader name="Location" value="#qryRedirect.goodurl#">
        <cfheader statuscode="301" statustext="Moved Permanently">
        <cfheader name="Location" value="/resources/sitemap.cfm">
        <cfheader statuscode="307" statustext="Temporary Redirect">

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